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Friday, July 17, 2020

CLOSED: #601 Mistletoe Lane in Kirkwood

Nothing says "Happy Friday" like this...

Gorgeous Mistletoe closed escrow today!  *happy dance*  The lucky Buyer gets a gorgeous new abode as my Sellers celebrate an incredible transaction and a brand new chapter!

Congratulations, Team Mistletoe!  There were definitely some unique circumstances in prepping and strategizing this sale.  You guys were incredible to work with and I can't express my appreciation enough!  Thank you, friends.💗

If you are contemplating a 2020 move, the market remains fast and furious as we venture through July. I am an incredibly COVID-19 safe and aware agent.  I have established new virus business protocols to ensure the safety of your family (and mine), while taking advantage of this incredible market!  Let's connect...