Perhaps it's a result of my summers spent as a child in my dad's rehabs in the city... stained glass window transoms, claw foot tubs, and all.
Or the time spent in my grandparent’s home on Stanford in University City, with its rich woods and rounded plaster doorways.
Or perhaps it’s just a result of all of the horrific BOTCH jobs I have witnessed over the years, thick and globby paint on Mahogany carvings and homes stripped of their original fixtures/ features. Ack! Regardless, give me dark wood, intricate carvings, and coffered ceiling goodness every day of the week. I literally can't get enough.
St. Louis has a treasure trove of homes that have well preserved the design aesthetic of yesteryear. Here’s a little architectural eye candy from current active listings around the city…

St. Louis has a treasure trove of homes that have well preserved the design aesthetic of yesteryear. Here’s a little architectural eye candy from current active listings around the city…