As one can imagine, the week before Halloween, particularly in a home with 2 school aged boys, is full of excitement and ACTIVITY. It also means, as somehow Halloween has evolved into a 3 days extravaganza over the past few years, I have been hurriedly preparing all week for the string of activities that kicks off tomorrow night at a "Trunk or Treat" in the school parking lot.
Late last night, however, as I hovered over the costumes in progress... I began to reminisce about the costumes of years past.
2002 ( 9 months and a little over 3)...

Cute progression, right? Perhaps I was feeling a tad nostalgic for the good ol' days last night , as I was mid Phase One of my 7 year old's 2009 costume...
Goodbye furry monkey costumes forever ... we have hit a new playing field, a bloody and gory one at that, in the Nenonen house?! *sigh*