Several months ago, a friend (Hi Justin!) mentioned an unassuming building in the Central West End to me. We both share the
love of all things old, and he assured me that he had located heaven in the form of an architectural graveyard?! Last week I found myself in the
CWE during the day, and figured it was worth a shot.
I must admit that when I pulled up to 439 North Euclid to find

...I didn't know what to think?! In fact, it took me 3 runs down the same block to
find the building, due to a lack of signage...

That being said, when I saw the large head peeking out at me behind glass... I figured that I was in the right place.
Fellenz Architectural Artifacts. I can not even
express the feeling that flooded by body when I first entered this establishment and was suddenly SURROUNDED, head to toe, by everything that I love about architecture...
AGH!! Overwhelming. Seriously. I am the FURTHEST from a proponent of architectural features being stripped from their original home. In fact, I am quite the opposite. That being said, aisle after aisle of hand-carved doors and moldings. Cast iron fireplace covers and deco fixtures. Just beautiful.

My horrible Blackberry photos do NOT do the contents of this store justice. It is a must see. In person. Period. Particularly if you own an old house that you are trying to restore...
Fellenz is the store for you!!

I have never seen anything like it.